Livin' in the land of the cold and the flat

Sunday, May 21, 2006

A single girl's take on Census 2006

It is census time and I'm officially late getting the survey done. I was in La Ronge when the census was delivered, and now I'll have official census people knocking on my door. Thankfully you can do it all online, so I filled everything out tonight. This was a super way to remind me that a) I'm single, b) I live alone, c) there really are no other people living here, and d) yup, still single. I can't believe how many different ways they find to ask you the same question. Here is the 2006 census in brief (based on a single girl living alone):

0.5) sex (female)

1) status (single)

2) is anyone living with you? (no)

3) list all people living with you (none)

4) did you miss anyone that might be living with you? (I go and check under the bed, in the storage space, and behind the TV. Nope, still no one)

5) have you ever been married? (no - see question #1)

6) did you understand question #2 and is there anyone who might be living with you in any way? List them. (NO, still no one).

7) how much money do you have? (I'm a student)

8) how many weeks did you work? (all of them - again, I'm a student)

9) are you sure there's no illegal immigrants sleeping on your couch? (yes, damn sure)

10) when was your last date and how desperate were you at that time? (ok, I made that up, but it wouldn't surprise me at this point!)

11) do you mind if we tell your (hypothetical) great-great grandkids that you're single and have no illegal immigrants staying with you? (sure, go right ahead)

Thank you for completing this year's census (you're welcome)

Shannon wants to know the aggregate results so we know how many singles there really are. I think there are several, but we've already dated them. Statistically, I may have already dated the entire eligible populations of some towns. Thanks Statistics Canada, what an enlightening experience!


  • Can't you just see the newspaper headlines once they've processed all this data?

    "More and more older single women living alone"

    "Saskatoon woman claims new kitchen stools as her 'children': Therapist recommends bowl of Tylenol"

    "Prairie Drought: Saskatoon has no single men under 60"

    "Rapid drop in number of illegal immigrants sleeping under couches"

    "Shannon and Lisa: Still single"

    By Blogger Shannon, at 12:58 a.m.  

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