Livin' in the land of the cold and the flat

Saturday, March 25, 2006


We all know where thoughts turn when spring! Hey, they call it spring cleaning for a reason.

Well, the last few days have been really warm (Saskatchewan Style), meaning that it's been almost zero. I remember last fall when we had days where the temperature fell to zero - everyone bundled up in their scarves and walked around shivering and complaining. Today the temperature hovered somewhere between zero and +2 (yes, that's plus 2) so I was outside in a t-shirt. Funny how when you're on this side of winter zero suddenly seems practically tropical.

The problem is that the vast number of sweaters and wool socks in my drawers really aren't cutting it anymore. I need my spring clothes, which were carefully organized and boxed away in the closet, along with all the spring and summer shoes. You'd think it would be simple - put away winter clothes, and take out summer clothes. But now it looks like a tornado ripped through here, with stacks of clothes, shoes, boxes, jackets, boots, and all the wonderful treasures I found in the back of a closet piled on my floor/bed/chair/available surface.

I have a pile for drycleaning, a pile for charity, a pile for the garbage, and a pile of stuff that will be know, someday. Everyone needs notebooks made from banana and coffee paper right? And a map of San Jose, Costa Rica that was in one of the aforementioned notebooks? I am capable of throwing things out - as evidenced by the garbage pile, but a girl's gotta have a stash of "useful" stuff right?

And now I'm tired of cleaning and not motivated by my collection of 80's "spring cleaning music". Girls may wanna have fun, but I guarentee the route to said fun is not through closet reorganization.

Alas, these mitts aren't going to jump into their labelled box, so I'd better get back to them. When I have my own place, I'm getting one of those closet organizing contraptions you see at IKEA, with shelves, drawers, and the Mary Poppins ability to store large quantities clothing and shoes in a little bit of space. Happy Spring everyone!


  • Remember when you put away your summer clothes for winter ones and I was sitting on your bed watching, giving unhelpful comments and receiving hand-me-downs? I still have the cute frog t-shirt and the fuzzy light blue Gap sweater. And every time I wear them I think of you. Aw...

    By Blogger Courtney, at 3:48 p.m.  

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