Livin' in the land of the cold and the flat

Wednesday, February 08, 2006

Interesting News - Worst Fears Confirmed

So, dying could actually happen - and that's not the worst thing!

This post may discourage people from applying to Grad School. Good. You can save your eyesight, bank account, marriage prospects, and heart health if you stay far away from grad school. But that's primarily if you're female. As evidence I present the following points:

1) In the past I neither wore glasses, nor was in grad school. Now I wear glasses. I blame grad school.

2) I never had money, and still don't, but it's reasonable to assume that I might have got a job and made money. Thus, grad school is to blame for the lack of funds.

3) According to two recent studies, in Britain and the United States, more intelligent women are less likely to find a man who wants to marry them. In fact, a women's chances of marriage are dramatically reduced in direct relation to their level of intelligence. For each 16-point jump in their IQ, their marriage prospects decreased by 40 percent.

Now, thankfully, I'm no genius. But I don't have the intelligence of a sand gnat either. And, one could argue that if you'e in grad school, you're probably smarter than a many people. And I don't know about other women, but I prefer to date men whose idea of reading literature doesn't include a cereal box. I'd have to say that on the list of qualities I look for in a man, intelligence is right up there with a dry sense of humor and some sort of looks (preferably nice ones). Having a dog is nice too. But I digress...

In contrast, a man's chances for marriage are increased by 35 percent with each 16-point IQ rise. Excellent. So everyone's hunting down the smart men, and avoiding the smart women. Dying alone seems quite possible, especially if this thesis actually does me in.

4) According to the illustrious GNC magazine (2006), a University of California study found that participants who had limited emotional support (read: they stayed in their apartments and wrote their thesis, and had no boyfriend) were more likely to have a coronary condition. Seriously? If I stay in grad school and write my thesis, never seeing anyone because I don't leave my living room, I'll have Coronary Artery Disease/Angina/MI? Thank you U of California for that uplifting piece of research.

Other (minor) side effects of grad school include:

-a dangerously unhealthy relationship with pets (you may think your pet can play pictionary or do yoga, but it really, really can't).

-hearing the words "this needs some serious re-thinking" makes you wonder if your toaster would float or sink in the bathtub.

-a complete lack of self-confidence, and the inability to see anything as constructive criticism, but rather an all out assualt on your intelligence and worth as a human being (Christie, 2006) . This, sadly, is true.

But maybe I should seriously re-think some things.


  • So I just saw my backpack out of the corner of my eye, and said "hi" to it, thinking it was my cat. Funny all this time I thought those chest pains were school-stress induced. Turns out they were likely warning signs of my impending single girl mortality. Do you think my microwave will float?

    By Blogger Shannon, at 7:18 p.m.  

  • it could be worse babe - I tried to pet my purse, thinking it was one of my dogs THAT DON'T LIVE WITH ME. We really need some sort of therapy...

    By Blogger Lisa, at 12:13 a.m.  

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