Livin' in the land of the cold and the flat

Sunday, January 29, 2006

I'd like to thank the following...

Today is the last day of the wreck that is the summer project. Last summer I started working on a project involving sand, rats, kangaroos, and land use. Believe me, they really do go together. The majority of the research was completed via interviews, which were finished in October/November. However, this is the project that wouldn't end!

My research partner had to do her comprehensive exams (scary!), so that delayed the report, and she's been working on it ever since. It's due tomorrow and she just called to discuss the "Acknowledgements" section. We are dutifully thanking everyone who contributed the project, but my real acknowledgements section would be something like this:

Thanks to:
-My dad for making fun of the kangaroo rats (so it's not just me), and my mom for talking to me after I was sick of transcribing interviews for 14 hours a day.

-Saskatoon for having a variety of restaurants, unlike the towns where we stayed.

-The cute guy in the library for giving me a reason beyond this project to go there. Sorry I stalked you a little bit.

-The wonderful staff at the hotel for the Macadamia, white-chocolate cookies that they helpfully put on the desk every day. Sorry we ate so many.

-All the grad students that listened to me complain about this project.

-The pen I almost stabbed in my eye 14 different times.

-The creepy guy in the hot tub that eyed us up when we were trying to relax. Thanks, you're a freak.

And finally...
-My research partner, who kept me sane during the boring stuff, and is actually easy to share a room with. Thanks for wearing PJ's.


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