Livin' in the land of the cold and the flat

Monday, January 23, 2006

Quick update

Ok, there really isn't enough time (as I'm supposed to be writing about analysis instead of blogging) but the quick highlights are:

-Shannon is back from Mexico and ridiculously tanned (with extensive freckles). She's currently in rehab/detox and mourning the loss of the 10 am daiquiri followed by the 10:10 Miami Vice and the 10:25 "Ha Ha I'm sitting at a pool in 35 degree weather" drink...etc.

-We (Shannon and I) have decided to move to Italy, so the fact that Stephen Harper is Prime Minister is no problem for us. Good luck everyone else..

-The thesis is progressing in a typical fashion, with lots of screen glaring, page flipping, and internet reference searching. I actually just wrote "Given the sets of A (alternatives) and G (evaluation criteria) and assuming the existence of n alternatives and m criteria, it is possible to build an n x m matrix P called evaluation or impact matrix whose typical element Pij (I = 1, 2…., m; j = 1, 2, …, n) represents the evaluation of the jth alternative by means of the ith criterion".

Now, this really isn't very complicated (in fact, it's quite simple), but writing it out this way makes it LOOK complicated. I think I've just mastered an academic trick.

-another friend of mine is taking off to Central America for a fun trip. Enjoy the warm weather Courtney, and get some sun/vitamin D production for me!

That's it for today, have a great Tuesday!


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