Livin' in the land of the cold and the flat

Tuesday, February 28, 2006

Another academic milestone

Today I got permission to write my thesis. Technically I've been writing it for months, but now I have official permission to do so. The meeting confirms that yes, I have enough data to make a useful thesis, and no, I don't have to go back and do more fieldwork.

So now that this particular hoop has been jumped through, I have to address the writing of the thesis bits I've put off to the end - namely the introduction and conclusion. Oh, and the analysis I still have left.

Excellent. Clearly not stressful at all.

If anyone needs me I'll be passed out in front of my computer - please call occasionally!


  • Congrats Lisa on a good meeting! And move sharp objects off of your desk, i'd hate for you to take an eye out when the head hits!

    By Blogger shauna, at 10:08 a.m.  

  • Congrats on the permission!

    Ah, the hoops through which we jump. I have one next week (aka. proposal meeting), followed by the large flaming hoop (comps).

    You could test out just how relaxing that Zen garden is by placing it so that your head rests in the nice, cool sand as you pass out from over-SPSSing and the constant rethinking.

    By Blogger Shannon, at 11:59 p.m.  

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