Livin' in the land of the cold and the flat

Monday, February 20, 2006

Vodka test anyone?

From me this week: "Has anyone seen my self-esteem"?

Yes, there was more re-writing of the same section, which was fine because it was really quite a mess. But the problem is that when you rush things, and get told to re-think them and write them again, you aren't doing yourself any favours.

So imagine my surprise today when I was able to help out a friend - with statistics! That's right people, the math gene may be AWOL, but some of this stats stuff is sticking. We figured out the
kolmogorov-smirnov statistical test (known to me as the Vodka test) and used it effectively to figure out the distribution of the data. Furthermore (or "Further" for J girl), we ran some other tests and understood the results! Shocking, no? So I found a tiny thread of my damaged self-esteem. I knew it was lurking there somewhere.

I'm spending some time with my tiny little zen garden now. It's supposed to clear your mind and bring you peace. I'm not sure that it's managing "peace" per say, but it's fun to drop the rocks and mess up the sand. Speaking of peace, I'm off to do the vodka test - using a tumbler, not SPSS.


  • Yes, rewriting things, I was just telling Angie that! I was recently banging my head (pretty much to the point of raw) as I rewrote the same thing over for the 40th time (hate to go overboard and say 1,000,000th). Last minute work never cuts it.

    By Blogger shauna, at 1:27 a.m.  

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