Livin' in the land of the cold and the flat

Monday, November 07, 2005

This Week in Lisaland

On Saturday I went with Kynthia up north to Prince Albert - she got an actress part in a WW2 short film. We drove up with the director and the camera man, and once Kynthia got got dressed up in her costume, we took off to the woods. The day was overcast, and there were decent filming conditions. I never realized that it took hours of takes and re-takes to shoot a 10 minute movie sequence. I managed to help out a little bit by acting as the line prompter, and helping when something didn't look/sound right. When our fingers and toes were numb we called it a day and headed back to the booming metropolis of PA for hot chocolate and pie. It was a pretty fun day and by the end I knew the lines by heart!

Today I met with my supervisor to discuss statistics and data reconfiguration. It seems that I'll be spending the next month or so playing with numbers, producing SPSS outputs, and trying to make some sense of the data. Sadly, the "classical" statistics won't be overly useful, but by Christmas I'll know a whole bunch interesting ways to analyze data (I know, I know, I'm playing it fast and loose with the word "interesting").

The last week has been spent marking and interviewing for the Great Sand Hills project. Not terribly exciting. But upcoming this week: a trip to Toronto to see Erick and Joey! Yay! Standby for pictures and updates from balmy Oakville. Well, balmier than Saskatoon anyway. My cat nieces, Fish and Chips, are eagerly awaiting my arrival. And I have news for the Oakville economy - the shopping moratorium is still in place, so sadly, the city will have to survive without my quasi-quarterly shopping trip. But for my part, I'm sure the lack of shopping will be compensated by Erick's stellar cooking skills...something that I only get to experience a few times a year (and they call and torture me when he's cooking something particular spectacular).

In other news, Shannon and I have signed up for the Jive classes with Todd et al. Michael and Selena have also signed up, so the lucky guy will get his share of the ladies that night! The Christmas curling event is also coming up on the radar, and that should be good fun. Last year I learned the key terminology and managed to get a rock or two in the hut (or whatever), and so this year I'll master the more delicate aspects (like screaming "harder!" and "SWEEP!"). But those things aren't until the end of November, which seems to be approaching with alarming speed.

I'd like to protest the fact that Christmas is approaching so rapidly. People are already planning lists, buying presents, and apparently putting up trees, judging by the buying spree at the Bay the other day. I haven't thought about lists, much less bought anything. I do confess that I've listened to some Christmas music, but what can I say, it made me happy. I'll cave and watch National Lampoon's Christmas Vacation eventually, and at that point I'll know that Christmas is inevitable and the stress can begin. Until then, I'll continue to live in my (Cranberry Body Shop smelling) school bubble, devoid of "real life" and other annoying influences.

In short: SPSS can be mastered, and is not "scary". Fish and Chips are cats, not snacks. I am no longer avoiding my supervisor (he was very helpful today). The Saskatoon and Oakville economies will be in recession given my quiescence towards shopping. Christmas must wait until the data is analyzed.


  • Ok, so many comments, so little time!
    1) yes, our PA trip was a lot of fun except for losing the feeling in my feet for 3 hours. But everything else was delicious ( I remember the desert at Shananagan's). Actually I got an email from Jim this week telling me that he reviewed the tape and complimented my acting! There is a downside though. After our cool down the lighting changed quite a bit and he can't use the footage because they can't adjust it on the camera so anyway we have to go back on Nov. 19th which was a day scheduled just in case anything went wrong. So yeah, welcome to life of filmaking Kynthia! Oh well....surprisingly I don't mind that much although I must say it won't be the same without you. And if you want, you are always welcome to join.
    2) When are you going to Toronto? and when are you coming back? I hope you have a lovely time and I'll want to hear all about it!
    3) I'd like to agree that Christmas is approaching a bit too early. Usually I don't start getting festive until December but my roommates and I listened to Christmas music a couple nights ago and we had the fire going and hot chocolate. It was nice. I don't think I'll be buying too many presents though this year. Too broke. =( Well, I think that's it for now. Hopefully ttyl!


    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 11:45 p.m.  

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