Livin' in the land of the cold and the flat

Wednesday, November 23, 2005

Happy First 29th Selena!

In honour of Selena's 29th birthday we went out to for some Japanese food, Vancouver style. By this, I don't mean the local Bait and Tackle shop, I mean we went to The Samurai after some strenuous yoga. We did change out of our yoga clothes though. We wouldn't want the people in the restaurant to think there had been a lululemon explosion. And while lululemon is very West Coast chic, it's not necessarily appropriate for EVERY occasion.

Anyway, we got fixed up and made our way over to the restaurant. Michael and Selena seem to have a time warp car, since they went home, got the rogue contact lens out of her eye, changed, and made it back to the restaurant before we got there. And we'd gone straight from the gym. The first order of business was drinks. I elected to go for "The Emperor", because I liked the sound of it; then I could be a dictator, if only in theory. You are what you drink? You have what you drink? Should I be drinking "emotionally unavailable man" or "geographically undesirable men" drinks? Hmm, I should invent those. Regardless, the Emperor had 3 oz of gin, brandy, and rum mixed in with a bit of non-alcohol. And this was on an empty stomach. So I got a little happy before the food came, but thankfully nothing too crazy. Although I did find the lightswitch fascinating in the bathroom.

I had sushi, because really, we were in a Japanese restaurant and I wasn't going to order chicken. The sushi and tempura helped minimize the Emperor's effects. I did have some difficulty with the green tea ice cream, but what can you expect when you eat ice cream with chopsticks? So there is quite a classy picture of me retrieving ice cream from down my shirt. And the sad part is that was after I was completely sober again. Figures.

So Shannon and I presented Selena with her card and gift, and we all sang happy birthday at the requisite time, and she even got a sparkler in her cake! Probably imported specially from Japan. Steve and Nicole, friends of Selena and Michael, were out for the celebration too. Since the fan was so loud, we couldn't really hear them across the table, but they are very nice. And Kathleen and Doug (from yoga) came for dinner too. They're fabulous, and really quite entertaining. I must say, Selena is aging well, and hardly looks a day over 28. Michael got her a sewing machine, but not in a "get your ass into the living room and sew me a sweater, woman" kinda way. Apparently she likes to sew. Without being forced. And I'm guessing she can do it without sewing through her finger on the sewing machine. I can't, thus, I stay away from them (the machines, not Selena and Michael).

The evening was a lot of fun, and we always enjoy going out with the yoga crowd. Indeed, I really liked Kathleen until I couldn't get up this morning. I think I'll create a drink after Kathleen and call it "sadistic yoga instructor who makes us work hard" or "go maggots go!". At least I can recover before advanced yoga tomorrow...


  • This isn't just any ol' 29th birthday, this is my FIRST 29th birthday... with many more to come!

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 8:05 p.m.  

  • What?! My comment has to be approved? This is crazy... I'm being censored here! Lisa, how could you of all people be against free speech! ...actually some of the writing by Geog 125 students should be outlawed... but I'm not like that!!

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 8:10 p.m.  

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