Livin' in the land of the cold and the flat

Monday, November 28, 2005

El Weekend

Two days of teaching grade 10's first aid made me very grateful I'm not 15 anymore. Oh the stress at that age! At one point I actually used the phrase "back in the day when I was in high school", and none of the students looked shocked. Far from "back in the day" being laughable, it seems that I've been put in the "adult" category, and indeed, when I went to high school there probably wasn't even electricity. Excellent. Back in the day, we weren't allowed to wear hats or chew gum in class. I'm happy to see that these are still general rules. However, these kids really need to Pull Their Pants UP!

It was a fairly eventful weekend, with lots of activity on the Jive front. Friday and Saturday brought more another lessons with Todd and Lynn, where we learned the basic Jive pattern (rock, step, slow, slow), inside and outside turns, back passes, sweetheart move, and peek-a-boo (who thinks these names up?) as well as other assorted moves. Good times all around. Naturally we went out for drinks on Saturday night, which seems to be a mandatory part of the dancing experience. And when Earl's has their martini weekend, it's wrong not to take advantage of it! We experimented with the cool penguin this time. I don't think it looked like a penguin at all, but perhaps that's not the point.

Now it's Monday and back in the weekly grind. Time to mess about with the data and see if it makes any sense. Have a great Monday!


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