Livin' in the land of the cold and the flat

Sunday, October 23, 2005

Rock, Step, Cha Cha Cha!

About a week ago Selena, Michael, Shannon and I were leaving yoga when we noticed a sign for dance lessons. I'm not sure who said "that would be so much fun", but I'm glad they did, because it was! Shannon and I are unattached, but decided to sign up with each other, reasoning that we could always drag Michael off and make him lead for a bit. Selena is perfectly happy to get rid of him once in a while, and was content to lend him out (hey, what are friends for?).

Friday night we showed up, equipped with no prior skills or abilities, and hoped for the best. It was fantastic! We learned the closed basic movement (gear shift - second, neutral, fifth), a fancy little cha cha step and twirl bit (cha cha cha, turn around and grab your keys...), underarm turns (watch your elbow!), and some back and forth step sequences (rock, step, tic tac toe, rock, step). There were a number of couples, but not so many that we were running into each other. Normally, half the fun is watching the other people, but we were so busy trying to get our feet in the right order there wasn't time to observe others.

Our instructor, Todd, had the amazing ability to move his hips effortlessly and glide around on the gym floor with grace. He was classy and his movements lithe. This is now officially classified as Todd-esque. However, we were (perhaps) not so graceful. No one actually fell, but one or two toes got trampled, and Michael did ask if it was possible to spin me into a basketball hoop (thank-you very much). Despite that comment, I had the advantage over Selena because I'm shorter than she is, and he didn't have to work as hard to get the turns right.

Shannon and I turned out a very nice performance, probably helped by our stellar posture, acquired I'm-not-sure-where. Yoga probably. We must remember to thank Kathleen. Apparently ballet can create good posture, but I don't think the 38 torturous weeks of ballet made that much of a difference (especially since I was only about 8 at the time).

We were definitely enthusiastic, and learned some quality moves. I think it's safe to say that we'll all be there for the Jive workshop in November. We rounded out the evening with a few drinks at Earls, and congratulated ourselves on our new moves.

Be warned: if you do one of these workshops, and enjoy it, you may find yourself going through DVD's and looking for dance scenes so you can watch them over and over. Then you can exclaim "hey, we can do that...oh wait, maybe not that...oh yeah, that bit before the complicated stuff!" This is best accomplished with a martini in hand.


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    bikram city in new yoga york

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 1:24 a.m.  

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