Livin' in the land of the cold and the flat

Monday, July 17, 2006

Making up for lost time...

Since arriving back from La Ronge at the end of June I've been remiss in keeping up with my blog. I've probably lost the few people that actually read this once in a while, but I'll work on keeping up better. June was fairly uneventful, back up North teaching and feeling somewhat isolated. However, I'm now in Saskatoon and enjoying the weather.


1. I'm an aunt (no, not my brother's baby - he has no baby), but J-girl finally had her baby, a little girl who will be code named "Agent". I thought this was an acceptable name for the baby, but they decided to go with a "real name". Nevertheless, to preserve privacy on this blog, she will be referred to as Agent. With parents code named Viper and Gold Leader, and her aunt Ghostrider, she'll fit right in.

2. Shannon's sister Kelly visited at the end of June and I finally got to meet her. We went out for drinks at Earl's (gotta love martini weekend) and then went to the Berry Barn for Sunday Brunch. The Berry Barn is a Saskatoon "must see" with fantastic food, a great garden, and lots of local history. See pictures below.

3. I saw Pirates of the Caribbean 2 and Superman at the theater. I enjoyed both. Brandon Routh (the new Superman) is extra hot and totally worth seeing in tights.

4. July 1st was celebrated with fireworks and such at Diefenbaker park. If you're from Vancouver/Toronto/Ottawa it may seem like a small celebration here, but hey, we have a smaller population/tax base, so no complaints from me. This year the fireworks were quite good, and Shannon and I ran into Bruce and Stefan, so we caught up with them. This worked out well, as Bruce has a BBQ, and no problem with people coming over for lunches. Not that I would EVER use a friend for their BBQ (well, hardly ever, and he has other good qualities too :)

5. I got food poisoning from bad Chinese. Enough said.

6. I'm back to teaching lots of first aid. Funding from the school has run out (perfect), which is sort of like a reminder that "you've been here for 2 years, now finish and get out!", but more subtle. So the goal this week is the (forever talked about) first draft. I figure if I post it on here, I HAVE to do it.

7. Shannon and I are getting pedicures this week. We're very excited about them.

8. Next week I head back to Victoria for a visit! I'm looking forward to seeing my parents, the Dogs (hi boys!), my favourite paramedic and Megs - who visited me here last year. There will be pictures posted. I'm also looking forward to window shopping in downtown Vancouver, Bellini's at Milestones, a ride on the Goldwing, cruising in the jeep, and walking the dogs. If it rains I'll be really irked. Someone from Vic/Van - please put in a special order for good weather!


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